Friday, November 30, 2012

Christmas tree pain and pics from last week's race

Yesterday I spent about 5 hours hauling artificial Christmas trees out of my store.  The first 100 customers could buy a tree for $100 (normally $300-$800).  It was craaaaaaaazy.  I had sweat pouring out of every part of my body.  I drug 150 pound boxes to customer's cars like I did it every day.  Fortunately, most of the people played nicely and there were no major incidents.  The last 3ish hours of the day, I spent putting up Christmas trees to fill in some of the space of the sales floor. 
Adam and I went out for beer and cheeseburgers last night.  I had 2 Christmas porters that were higher octane. Um, I slept like a brick. 
This morning, I just threw on my running gear without a thought and ran 5 miles.  Took a shower, sat down to read the newspaper, and O.M.G.  What in the heck did I do to my body?  I felt like my body had been tossed in a washing machine.  My soreness had soreness.  Rawr.  I thought I was at the end of my good spell of running today.  But heavy lifting + bouts of intense cardio + 2 octane beers = not a recipe for successful runs.
I'll be working on redeeming myself for Sunday's run. 
In the meantime, enjoy the few pics from last week's race.  Flying Tomato and I were able to score a few serious BPs at the end:

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