I solicited advice about running in 2010, addresses for writing letters in 2011, and then I kind of dropped off the commenting train in 2012. I was still reading bloops, but I wasn't keeping up with things the way I had been and I felt like a lurker again. Sure, I was still posting my own random stuff because frankly, after 12 years of public blogging, it feels like brushing my teeth and running. And I'm narcissistic like that.
But in the advent of Loopville on FB, some fresh mojo, and a boatload more free time with my new job, I felt connected again.
Basically, what I'm trying to say is, thank you for letting me jump in and out when it works for me.
My BFF and I have a similar sort of relationship. We can go for months without communicating and then pick right back up where we left off and everything is seamless. On the Loop, it's like I have a whole pack of BFFs that are there when I need them and are cool when I choose to lay low.
So about this whole running business. I have not pressed 'enter' on these Rehoboth shenanigans, but my Google search history would call me a big fat liar if I told you I was just thinking about it. Perhaps I'm weighing my options, perhaps I'm procrastinating, and perhaps I'm a wee bit afraid that I'm going to have so much fun that I'm never going to want to vacation anywhere else except Loopfests.
I ran today. I know, right, big whoop! So did, like, 90% of all the other people that are reading this. But considering that the flu knocked me flat on my back for 4 days last week and I ran a marathon PR 9 days ago, I was pretty happy that I felt this run was status quo.
I almost ran sans Garmin, but then the nerd/type A in me wanted to know if I was running good/better/best (or bad/worse/ugly). So I decided that I was just not going to look at my Garmin during my run and reflect on the data when I was finished. I actually stuck to it! Mainly because my body parts were chilled to the bone and I keep my sleeve over my watch the whole time. Dude, I actually saw snow flurries during my run today. I know, I know, you peeps anywhere North of me are like, "giiiiiiiirl, you have no idea!!!" But this was super weird for Hotlanta in late March. This run was particularly windy too with gusts of up to 25mph. I keep thinking of that dumb adage, in like a lion, out like a lamb. Out like a lamb, my a$#*%@.
I had quite a lovely run. There were about 10 other people I saw the entire time on the Greenway during my 8 miles. Just the way I like it! I can blow snot rockets, run in the center of the lane, and sing LMFAO lyrics under my breath without garnering the attention of those trying to enjoy a little nature. My shin still is iffy, but everything else seemed to cooperate. I was happy with my splits overall when I finished as I felt my effort was medium. 8:21, 8:21, 7:52, 8:10, 8:02, 8:16, 7:59, 7:54.
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