When you work retail and are training for a marathon, some Tuesdays
end up being long run days. I'm on week 2 of 'official' marathon
training and so I had a 12 miler to do this week. So after sleeping in,
getting my coffee and breakfast, finishing reading the newspaper and
doing the crossword, it was time to run.
I complained about
losing my thoughts once I arrived at the white screen in my last bloop
so I tried really hard to connect the miles with my insane thoughts.
Fair warning: bodily functions are mentioned in this post.
1: It is cold. I cannot feel my feet. Why didn't I wear gloves? I am
such a pansy; it is 40 degrees outside and some runners are fine in
subzero temperatures.
Mile 2: Find a cadence. Find a
cadence. Find a cadence. Oooo, I like this song. I wonder if people
would tell me their favorite speed song and/or their favorite LSD song
if I posted a question in Loopville?
Mile 3: Oh hello fingers, it is nice that you have feeling again.
4: 2 dudes with their shirts off running. Guess it got warmer huh?
Nope, there's a lady walking and she's bundled up like an Eskimo. I
like this new shirt. I should buy more of them in other colors.
5: My favorite part of the Greenway. Wheee!!! I really, really want to
jump the fence and run through the cow field one day. But I'm afraid
of getting in trouble. And I'd probably leap into a cow patty. Better
stick to gleefully running next to the cow field. Would it be
weird if I laid down on the sidewalk and took an Instagram photo of the
wintery, watery boardwalk? Yes, I should probably not lay down and take
pictures. Besides, then I'd have to stop.
Mile 6: Well, I
could just stop at mile 6 and turn around like my training plan says.
Orrrrrrr, I could go to the end of the trailhead and use the facilities
AND run 13.1+. Well, 12 is practically 13.1. I might as well do a
half--what's another 1.1 miles? And thus, the blog title is born.
7: Definitely a good idea to keep going. The facility is much needed.
My apologies to the lady in the stall next to me... Refilling my water
bottles is a good idea too. Eat a lemon-lime Gu. It's cold and doesn't
squish out very easily. I rush off on the second half of the run.
8: Pull myself back. Start thinking about how even though I don't
really do organized religion, I do spend some time talking to God while I
run. We talk about all the insane stuff that fills my brain and sort a
little bit out at a time. On the euphoric runs, I am most thankful
that we can chat about how lucky I am.
Mile 9: It gets silly.
"Call Me Maybe" inspires a whole different line of thinking. I miss
the Olympics and baseball. How many days until spring training? I
really, really want to do a cartwheel in the middle of my run. How cool
would it be if I did a cartwheel across the finish line of the
marathon? This cannot be an original idea...I must remember to try to
see if there are any YouTube videos of such antics. Chrissie Wellington would body roll over the finish line, so this isn't too crazy, right?
10: Running across the intersection, jamming to my music, blowing a
snot rocket. Oh my, did I just blow a snot rocket in front of like, 15
cars? Could I not have waited 90 seconds to go around the curve and do
it out of the view of others? Yup, I just blew boogers all over the
place and didn't think twice about it. Where are those shirtless boys now?
11: I definitely want a smoothie when I get home. Kale, pear, and
mandarins. Yeah, that sounds good. And a piece of leftover pepperoni
pizza. Ha! That reminds me of my tweet last week: water cancels beer,
celery cancels wings. This fantasy world I live in is absolutely
Mile 12: Well, I haven't really been paying
attention to my Garmin today, but I suppose I could see what's going
on. Oh fancy, I'm running just slightly below the pace I ran my
Thanksgiving half in! Sweet, if I push the next mile, I will easily
slide right under.
Mile 13: Run, run, run, run, run, run.
There is no time to think when I am pushing the pace 40 seconds fast
this mile than the previous 12 miles. Good thing my brain finally shut
up! It gets so crazy up there!
Mile 13.5: Ahhh, that felt so good. I want to give that run a hug!!!! Look ma, marathon training can be so much fun!
Splits: 8:17, 8:17, 8:26, 8:06, 8:18, 8:15, 8:11, 8:18, 8:08, 8:08, 8:10, 8:13, 7:29, last .5 in 4:00
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