Because that's what you're really here for, right?
Monday, I ran 21 miles.

Granted, I stopped 3 times (2 traffic lights and once to refill my fuel belt water bottles), but I was moving the rest of the time and this was a huge confidence booster for me. I definitely was putting in way more effort than easy, but I felt like I could run 5.2 more miles in 49 minutes. *crosses fingers, knocks on wood*
Especially since it was hot (for November) outside. Like near 70 degrees,
Salty sweat don't lie:

I consumed lots and lots of liquid before, during, and after.

If I haven't blooped about it (and sorry if I have), I have to say that I am loving my new recovery routine. A Muscle Milk Pro Series 40 drink (I swear this is contributing 50% of my faster recovery) followed by a short, hot shower to get clean and then getting into the ice bath for 15 minutes.
I used to eat a snack post long run like a piece of fruit and something with a little protein like cereal and milk or a sandwich--the Muscle Milk is much easier on the stomach. Then I'd do the ice bath, sit around for 30 or so minutes afterwards and then take a shower. I was probably mostly negating any good stuff from the ice bath.
New way > old way
After a few hours, Adam took me for my beloved post-long run meal of wings and beer. He looks forward to long runs because now long runs = wings.

Tuesday night, I ran 2 miles. Nothing much to report other than my legs felt okay enough after a hard 21 miles.
Wednesday, I practiced the new Oxford Dictionary word, selfie, as I knew I was headed to the hair salon.

Buh-bye split ends! After:

Thursday, I did mile repeats like a boss. I ran so hard that I had to stop and walk for 30 seconds after each one before I did the jogs. But holy moly, it felt exhilarating!
Friday was date night.

Saturday, I ran 2 miles after work because the snooze button won. It was a great little run and I am pretty sure I danced the entire 17 minutes to my Pandora dance station.
Then I drank beer:

This morning, I was exited enough about my chilly long run to get myself out of bed to run at sunrise.

I wore my gloves the entire time and didn't push up my long sleeves. It was still 29* when I finished. Good enough to hustle my legs along quickly:

So here is the sum of the parts:
Monday: Plan was 20 easy @9:10, Actual 21 @7:55, Splits: 7:59, 8:06, 8:11, 7:58, 7:58, 8:04, 7:53, 7:59, 8:00, 7:59, 7:57, 7:51, 7:52, 7:56, 7:39, 7:51, 7:55, 7:51, 7:53, 7:49, 7:52
Tuesday: Plan was 2 easy @9:09, Actual was 2 @8:34
Thursday: Plan was 3X1 @7:14, total 6 miles, Actual was 8:25 warm-up, 6:27, 6:29, 6:26, (800 jogs in between), 8:12 cool down
Saturday: Plan was 2 easy @9:09, Actual was 2 @8:34
Sunday: Plan was 12 easy @9:09, Actual was 13.1 @7:50, Splits: 8:14, 8:05, 8:01, 7:52, 7:54, 8:01, 7:54, 7:47, 7:40, 7:43, 7:52, 7:34, 7:19, last .1 at 7:17
Ooooooh you're right! I'm not finished. I owe you Boston Terrier pictures.
Good thing I have a few from this week.
The slackers have been slacking hard.