Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 15: It's go time!!!!

Dum, dum, dummmmmmmmmmmm! The marathon is almost here.  I have only 2 more runs to go before I toe the line.

I will have 419.6 miles of "official marathon" training under my belt in this training cycle.

1277.8 miles ran in 2013.

This will be marathon #6. My favorite number is 6. Sa-wheet!

I'm ready. I think I'm ready. I am pretty sure I'm ready.

I am pacing around from low mileage and finding everything wrong with my body and my runs.  Must be the taper madness.

I might have time to post something before the final race, but I might not. If so, I hope I'm posting an awesome I-BQed type of bloop next time you hear from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Zee numbers:
Tuesday: Plan was 4 easy @9:09, Actual was 4 @8:34
Thursday: Plan was 5 tempo with 3 @7:39, Actual was 1 mile warm up, 7:30, 7:24, 7:17, and 1 mile cool down
Friday: Plan was 3 easy @9:09, Actual was 3 @8:34, 8:00, 8:00
Sunday: Plan was 8 easy @9:09, Actual was 8 @7:51, splits: 8:13, 7:55, 7:59, 7:53, 7:54, 7:46, 7:36, 7:33
Tuesday: Plan was 3 easy @9:08, Actual was 3 @8:34

Nothing terribly exciting to note about the runs themselves. Sunday was while I was in Miami and for the first time while running there I was able to rock out some sub-8 splits.  Normally the heat and humidity combined with travel makes running in Miami tough. But the weather was decent all things considered and I took advantage of it.  I was a little rough around the edges having enjoyed a bottle few glasses of wine at the rehearsal dinner the evening before, but I made it happen.

When I'm in taper mode, the cooking and baking takes on a whole new level.

Last week I made grilled cheese with tomato basil soup:

I made a pumpkin buttermilk bundt cake with vanilla buttermilk icing:

I made jambalaya:

And even though my brother hosted Thanksgiving, I always contribute a batch of Parker House Rolls. A good baker proofs her yeast:

And I made the world's most ridiculous sweet potato casserole with Jet Puffed Jumbo (these are even bigger than large) marshmallows:

Mmmm, Thanksgiving....remind me again why we eat this only once per year??!!?:

We always do a craft at Thanksgiving in my family. There have been minor incidents over the years with glue guns, scissors, and epically long projects involving lots of sewing.  Mom kept it relatively simple this year. We started with a nekkid mini sock monkey:

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And dressed it up:

Adam and I had to spend our first Thanksgiving apart in 10 years.  He was being the dutiful brother and needed to be in Miami earlier than I for the bachelor party. I sent him (posed) pictures of the furkids:

I joined Adam on Saturday morning and we had a great weekend visiting the family.  The wedding was on Sunday and it was very, very lovely.

My father-in-law taking pictures of his sons:

The beautiful bride and her doting groom:

My gorgeous sister-in-law and her not-too-shabby-the-eyes fiance :

And yours truly with her handsome other half:

The trip was too short (as always), but we were happy to be back home last night to snuggle with the kids:

Here's to the final countdown!!!!!!!!!!

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