Thursday, May 31, 2012

FT's lycopene cured my funk

Last night, after staying at work a lot later than I had wanted, I felt very 'blah' towards running.  I was tired from 10 hours on my feet, tired from managing the store practically by myself the whole day, and just not feeling excited about doing anything other than relaxing on the sofa in front of the Braves game.

So I texted FlyingTomato and he so nicely agreed to run with me this morning.  He was apologetic about not feeling 100% after being sick and I was just elated that he got me out of bed and out of my funk.  I would have probably complained my way through 7 boring miles on the treadmill this morning and felt miserable.  BUT, Loopsters rock and I was soooooooo glad that we ran together.

As I've stated before, it is so cool to get to know someone this way.  Like a strange platonic date for happily married people, we can talk about running, work, his kids, my dogs, and everything in between.  I feel like I can just be myself and be honest.  I like it.  Making friends this way is pretty OSOM. 

Oh yeah, we ran some miles.  7 miles.  I didn't even look at my Garmin until we were done.  I was just enjoying blabbing FlyingTomato's ear off and running through the woods.  Ha!  The running thing was entirely secondary today.  Woot!

Now I really should be getting on with my day.  I worked on the crossword, had some more coffee, made a TON of LinkedIn connections (come find me @ Carissa Liebowitz!!) and will head to work in a little while.  My head feels a little clearer now--I intend to rise above all this mess and try to keep moving forward.  Goodbye funk, don't come 'round here no more!!!

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